Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Lancelott

Year 1 teacher

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to the start of an exciting, fun summer term in Year 1


Important Weekly Timetable:

Monday: Hand in homework and Red Ted. Reading books changed by Mrs Young


Wednesday: Homework and Red Ted given out. PE day (come in to school in correct PE uniform)

Thursday:  PE day (come in to school in correct PE uniform)


Please look out for School Spider messages for any changes to the timetable.

This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we love to see any learning linked to this at home too! 


This half term we are busy focusing on writing non-chronological reports.  We are continuing to try and use a range of punctuation, adjectives and conjunctions. In Year 1 we are working really hard on our handwriting and ensuring it is all the same size with ascenders and descenders.


In Year 1 we are continuing to have daily phonics and we are working really hard on applying our phonics sounds to our reading to make our reading more fluent and expressive. 


Another busy half term. This half term we are focusing on length and height, mass and volume, weight and volume, multiplication and division, fractions, geometry, place value (within 100) and measurement (time & money), so keep up with the practise of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Topic – Geography focused

This half term we are looking at ‘Where would you rather live in Ellesmere Port or Australia?’  Within this we will focus on the geographical difference between the 2 contrasting countries as well as some of the beliefs and cultures of Australia


We will be exploring baptism and creation.


This half term we will also start our new topic of animals including humans.


We will be exploring the artist Emily Kame, whilst exploring Australian artwork.


In the first half term we will having our second House of Dance sessions on a Thursday and using our hands during our Wednesday PE hour. In the second half term we will be exploring games for understanding and using rackets, bats and balls.


In Music we will be continuing to learn songs using Makaton. In our Music lessons, we will be having fun with improvisation and performing together.


This half term we are continuing to improve our skills of logging onto a computer and Purple Mash. We will be using Purple Mash to explore spreadsheets and animated story books.


Buenos Dias, Buenos Tardes! We will continue to practice our basic greetings in Spanish and also learn colours and numbers to 10. 


Within Heartsmart we are exploring fake is a mistake and no way through isn’t true!


Our residential is this term – we are all getting very excited!


If your child is attending a sports after-school club, that is on a different day to a PE day, they will need to come in to school wearing their full, named school uniform and their PE kit in a bag.

Toys, teddies, jewellery should not be bought in to school, as children get very upset when they lose things or they get broken. 

Look on our homework tab for all home learning links to support your child’s learning.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the Year one team who will be happy to help. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Lancelott, Mrs Lyttle, Miss Redding and Mr Partington

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We learn, we play, we care, we pray, in Jesus' name

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