Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mr Madden
Year 5 teacher
Ms Lyttle
Welcome to Year 2!
This is the plan for Autum 1 half-term...
Important Weekly Timetable:
Monday: Hand in homework and reading books will be changed by Mrs Young
Wednesday: PE Day (come into school in correct PE uniform) & Homework will be handed out
Thursday: PE day
Please look out for School Spider messages for any changes to the timetable.
This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we love to see any learning linked to this at home too!
This half term we are focusing on 'Katie in London' information books. We will keep practising our handwriting and the SPAG features we already know too!
Phonics/Shared Reading
Our 'Author of the Term' is Shirley Hughes.
Children still needing to access phonics will attend daily phonics groups based on their assessments. Children who have come off the phonics programme will now focus more on fluency and different comprehension style questions. In Shared reading we are looking at poems from Shirley Hughes and information texts on Elephants.
In Maths, we will be focussing on place value with numbers up to 100.
Topic – History & Geography Focus
This half term we are learning all about 'The Great Fire of London'.
This half term we are learning about The Bible and why it is such a special book.
In Science this half term, we are learning about all living things and their habitats.
In Art we are looking at building structures from London.
In PE, we will be having sessions delivered by Cheshire County Cricket and House of Dance.
In Music this half term, we will be learning about pulse, rhythm and pitch.
This half term, we will be learning about online safety and effective searching.
This half term we will be learning about how to use language on the farm.
Within Heartsmart, we will be learning to 'Get HeartSmart!'
Files to Download
Year 2: Calendar items
KS1/Year 1&2 Nativity 2pm and 5pm, by Mrs Barlow
House of Dance for Autumn Term, by Mrs Barlow