Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Sewell

Mrs Grimster

Head of School, Inclusion manager, Year 2 teacher


Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome back to a busy Summer 1 half term - hopefully we will have some sunshine!


Mrs Sewell: Monday -Wednesday   Mrs Grimster: Thursday-Friday   Mrs Anderton: Every morning

Important Weekly Timetable:

Monday: Hand in homework and reading books will be changed by Mrs Anderton


Wednesday:  PE Day (come into school in correct PE uniform) & Homework will be handed out

Thursday: PE day


Please look out for School Spider messages for any changes to the timetable.

This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we love to see any learning linked to this at home too! 


This half term we are focusing on the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit.'  We are focusing on using apostophes for contraction, er and est suffixes and the subordinating conjunctions 'if & that.'  We will keep practising our handwriting and the SPAG features we already know too! We will also link in with our topic and look at non-fiction information reports on animals.

Phonics/Shared Reading

Our 'Author of the Term' is Shirley Hughes.

Children still needing to access phonics will attend daily phonics groups based on their assessments.  Children who have come off the phonics programme will now focus more on fluency and different comprehension style questions. In Shared reading we are looking at poems from Shirley Hughes and information texts on Elephants.


In Maths, we are continuing to work on multiplication and division.  We will be doubling and halving numbers and working on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  We want to be able to multiply and divide by 2s, 5s and 10s confidently.  

With Mrs Grimster we are finishing Statistics - Tally charts, block graphs and pictograms and starting to look at measurments for mass, capacity and temperature.  

Topic – History & Geography Focus

This half term we are learning all about 'The History of Chester Zoo.'  We will be looking at how the zoo was created and changed over the years, creating our own map and using a key and also the importance of the work that the zoo do.


This half term we are learning about 'Ascension and Pentecost'. We will be learning about what happened in these events from the bible and studying pieces of artwork about them.  We will be exploring what is meant by the 'holy spirit' and looking at different representations of this.  


In Science this half term, we are learning about 'Animals including humans'.  We will be learning about animals and their offspring, life cycles, basic needs of humans and animals and the importance of a balanced diet and exercise.  


In Art we are looking at the artist William Morris.  We will explore the technique of 'Printing' in different ways using his style of art as inspiration. 


In PE, we are focusing on different pathways and movements and using our hands for dribbling and throwing and applying these skills into game situations.  


In Music this half term, we will be learning some new songs and exploring improvisation. 


This half term, we will be using the tool '2 paint' to create our own pieces of artwork electronically. 


Hola! We will be learning about how to say the different colours and different weather phrases.


Within Heartsmart, we will be looking at 'Being Fake is a Mistake.'

Important Dates

Friday 28th June - Library Visit

Friday 19th April - Class Photos

NO PE on Thursday 2nd May (Polling Day) and Thursday 16th May (SAT's Week)

Wednesday 22nd May - Messy Church (afternoon)




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We learn, we play, we care, we pray, in Jesus' name

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